- 產(chǎn)品品牌:江波
- 產(chǎn)品型號:JSO-III.IV
JSQ-Ⅲ 、 IV 型靜水壓力釋放器是氣脹救生筏理想的釋放裝置,它具有在深 2 ~ 4m 的水中自動脫鉤和人工手動脫鉤的功能,在船舶遇險時安全地快速釋放船舷上的氣脹救生筏援救遇險人員。該產(chǎn)品經(jīng)中國船級社型式認可和檢驗,符合 SOLAS 公約、 IMO 規(guī)范的要求。
JSQ-III、IV stationary water pressure releaser is a ideal release device for air filled life-saving raft, it posses automatic unhook and manual unhook functions in 2-4 deep water, when a ship is In danger,the air filled life-saving raft can be fast and safety released by means of sshipping and is up to the regulation of SOLAS convention and IMO standard.